Tuesday, December 11, 2012

This and that....

Hello Again!

This week Stella is approaching 7 weeks old!

The week started off with the great Khols Christmas Meltdown of 2012. It started off as a nice Sunday morning shopping trip with Stella, Leah and my mom. We were out shopping at Khols for the family that we adopted for Christmas and everything was going well until Stella decided she was done. Leah and I crawled into a corner and hid behind a rack to feed Stella. This is how it looked:

I am on the phone with Jeff reporting the situation
Today, Stella went to the doctor and for another check up. She is now 8 1/2 lbs and continuing to grow. When we got into the patient room, the nurse asked us to undress Stella and put her on the scale. She was half asleep so we undressed her and put her on the scale and she had the ultimate freak out like we've never seen before. I think it was a combination of being half asleep and the shock of the cold. Jeff quickly picked her up to comfort her and I put a blanket around her and then I felt a light splashing on my feet. I looked down and there was a fountain of pee coming from Jeff's arms. You would think the child had not peed all day. Poor Jeff's sweatshirt was soaked through, and the pee must have made its way into his pocket and got his phone and keys.  Unfortunately, I did not get a picture of that event!

Here are some pictures from this week:

A visit with Bema!

Play time!!

This is how I fell asleep! Dad's TV shows are too loud!


On Saturday, Stella celebrated the first night of Hanukkah with Jo-Nanna and iPop (yes, they are going to be called that until they choose real grandparent names). Stella is 1/4 Jewish, enough to celebrate the holiday and get one night of presents! Here are some pictures from Stella's first Hanukkah:

Stella started the night off right... La Heim!
Patiently waiting to light the candles

Still waiting.... with Jo-Nanna and iPop

Come on Mom.... Let's get this party started!

Break for a diaper change

Here we go.....

Yay!! Happy Hanukkah!

Here are some of my gifts... Uggs from Australia and some books that I can't  wait for someone to read to me!

Happy Hanukkah everyone! Next stop... the North Pole!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

One exciting week!

Stella is six weeks old! The days are flying by and she is getting bigger by the minute. She will be going to the doctor again on Tuesday and I will report back on her current weight and height. She is still wearing her newborn clothes, but they are finally beginning to get snug.

Stella is still sleeping 7-8 hours at night, and then taking a two hour nap after her first feeding. Needless to say, Jeff and I was feeling much more rested than we were this time last month.

This week Stella is much more alert and is responsive to our voices. She is starting to smile on a regular basis and is making smacking sounds with her tough (Jeff and I think she is trying to communicate in an Ethiopian language).

Last week was a very exciting week for Stella! She finally got to meet her cousin Kaylee, Auntie Beth, Auntie Amanda and Uncle Joe!

My first visit with Auntie Beth! Beth told me all about my mom and her crazy adventures in college! Too bad I didn't understand them, hopefully she will tell me again when I am 21 !!

Auntie Amanda and my friend Lucas!!

Stella and her "cousins" Ryan, Lucas, Anthony and Landon

All the kids and their Moms.... my have times changed!!

Me and Uncle Joe! I wish he didn't leave so far away :(

Finally meeting my cousin Kaylee!!
Laying in my crib... arn't I cute!

Sitting in my new rocking chair!

My and my trooper bear! I am 5 1/2 weeks old in this picture. Hopefully Mom will remember to take a picture each month so we can see how fast I am growing!

 December is going to be an exciting month. This weekend I am going to celebrate my first Hanukkah! In two weeks I will be meeting my Auntie Allison and Auntie Kim (finally!!!!!) and then it will be my first Christmas!!

Stay tuned!!!

Stella's One Week and Four Photo Shoot

Our good friend Allison came over to snap some photos of Stella. Her first visit to take pictures was when Stella was just 9 days old. Stella was being a bit of a diva and was not really happy about having her picture taken, but Allison managed to grab a few good ones. Here are some of my favorites from the first shoot :

The second time Allison came over to photograph Stella, she was much better behaved! It took awhile and a whole lot of patience and this is what we got!

Allison will be home again for Christmas and will hopefully visit again to take more pictures. Stay tuned!!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Stella's First Month

Well, this blog is LONG overdue! I can't believe how fast the last five weeks have gone. When I started this blog, I thought for sure I would have time each day to post an update.. ha! I feel like I was warned that newborns were needy, but I didn't think they would be quite this time consuming! "Napping when they nap," is just not practical. Number one, it is hard to nap in the middle of the day when it is light out and number two, it is hard to nap when you know you have a sink full of dishes and laundry to do! But enough about that, I know what you really would like to know is about Stella's first month!

This photo was taken last week- when Stella turned 4 weeks!
Since I wrote last, Stella has had quite an exciting few weeks filled with many visitors, doctors appointments, trips to the mall, and her first Thanksgiving!

Stella went to the doctor this week for her one month appointment and everything went well. She is weighing in at 8lbs! Still a little peanut and still in her newborn clothes!

Stella has been averaging about six hours of sleep or more a night. The last few nights she has actually slept from 9:00pm to 5:00am... eight whole hours!!! I hate to jinx it, but I hope that this is a sign of good things to come. Her first few weeks home she was up every two hours, which left for a cranky mommy, daddy and of course a tired Zach!

Also new this week, Stella is starting to smile (non-gas related ! Jeff likes to make silly faces at her and she now smiles and reaches for his face. She has also rolled over from her stomach to her back, twice. Yes folk, my daughter is very advanced!

I know what you are really dying to see are some pictures, so I will make you wait no longer. Here is a snapshot of what Stella has been up to the last few weeks:

This was my Stella's first day home, and also the first time she met her Auntie Sal and  husband to be, Mr. Ryan Bianco. Sorry boys, she is already spoke for!

Stella's first Halloween! Thank you Auntie Leah for the handmade costume. I look just like the Very Hungry Caterpillar... and I act like one too!

Meeting my great grandma, Nonni, for the first time!
Four generations!
Meeting Grandma B and Papa B for the first time! I can't wait to spend my teenage years at their kitchen counter! 
Taking a much needed nap with Daddy


My first Thanksgiving!!

We tried to get a nice family Thanksgiving picture, but between Jeff and Zach not cooperating, this was the best I could get!
Last week Stella  also go to meet Auntie Danielle and my two friends Anthony and Landon!